Return Policy

  • Due to the perishable nature of the product, we cannot accept returned merchandise.
  • We will not issue a refund to anyone’s credit card who refuses a delivery or in any way attempts to return a shipment.
  • Please check all addresses carefully. Damage due to incorrect or incomplete shipping addresses voids our guarantee so please be sure to double-check addresses.
  • The customer will then be responsible for the charges of a new order.
  • Please check your delivery date carefully. Orders will be shipped based on the delivery date that is selected during checkout.

Order cancellations

You may cancel an order with advance notice. We will do all that we can to honor your request, but if the order has already begun the shipping process, we cannot change it or cancel it. Therefore, if you must cancel an order, please do so before 4:00 p.m. PST on the day before it is scheduled to ship. PLEASE NOTE: Inclement weather and other unforeseen circumstances can cause shipments to arrive later than expected so please plan ahead and order early.